The future of BJP

Even though I am not a strong supporter of BJP because of its pro Hindutva attitude, I feel sorry for its present state. The fact that BJP does not have a widely acknowledged predecessor for Advani itself cast serious doubts on the future of BJP.

2009 poll results gave a clear mandate to Congress, emphasizing on the necessity of a change in the ideologies of BJP. 2009 elections was conducted in amid of global economic crisis and increasing national security concerns. What people of India wanted was a group of leaders who can thrive India into a better future. Instead of stepping up to the situation, the election strategists of BJP stick to its old pro Hidutva line. The Varun Gandhi saga is an example of it. Their attempt to project Narendra Modi as the future PM candidate also got back fired. Instead of addressing the greater issues the nation was facing, BJP was busy on trying to castrate Dr ManmohanSingh, which forced the soft spoken PM to fight back in the same tone and every one knows by now who has won the battle.

The present of BJP looks disastrous and the future seems to be hopeless. Their is more than lack of consensus happening among the top brass of BJP leaders. Jaswanth Singh and Yashwant Sinha have already expressed their annoyance on the way the party behaved after the Lok Sabha elections. Yaswant has gone one step ahead to resign all his party positions and claimed he did that to take the responsibility of the election defeat as none, who were actually responsible, came forward to do so. Both of these veteran leaders have criticized the party leaders for their "reluctance to introspect and introspect comprehensively".

Before discussing about the future of BJP, let me throw some light on its history and its importance in Indian politics. Bharatiya Janata Party was officially formed in 1980 but it was active from 1951 as Bharatiya Jana Sangam. For decades it failed to make any noticeable strokes on the canvas of Indian national politics. But in the 90's, the party started evolving in the leadership of A.B Vajapayee and L.K Advani and came into the limelight after the demolition of Babri Masjid. During 1996 polls, it became the single largest party but failed to form a govt.But in 1998 polls, NDA,the BJP lead coalition, came to power but the coalition ruptured in 1999 as one of its main alley AIADMK withdrew the support. In 1999 polls NDA got 303 seats and BJP had an all time high of 183 seats and successfully completed 5 yr tenure, became the 1st non congress covernment to achieve that.

In 2004 general elections BJP faced a shocking defeat. Many political analysts attributed this defeat to an identity crisis of BJP. The reasons why BJP came into power were, people were fed up with corrupted congress party, anti congress coalitions failed to form a stable government and more than anything its Hidutva ideologies and values gave new hopes to millions of Hindus. But BJP failed to deliver its promises to Hindutva supporters in matters like building Ayodhya temple, due to the pressure of its allies. During the tenure it functioned like a rational government, a deviation from BJP's fundamental ideologies. The credit for this deviation should be given to A.B. Vajapayee and some of its allies. Most of the educated middle class, including me, liked the way the government was functioning and expected a second term for A.B.Vajpayee. But in 2004, BJP lost its traditional vote banks and above all another Gandhi came to lead Congress party and the country (I feel Indians have a blind admiration towards the name "Gandhi", The sad story is that most of them are unaware that it has nothing to do with Mahathma Gandhi). The path chosen by Vajapyee was unfortunately not followed by the party. After Vajpayee retired from active politics, the party fell into the hands of Advani and he failed to implement any ideological reforms in the party.

In my view BJP failed to recognize that the people of India has evolved from 90's. It has failed to evolve with time, a costly mistake once done by communist parties of India. Look at them, they are now mainly active in just 2 states. I won't be surprised if BJP ends up like them one day unless if they are willing to learn from their mistakes.

By now, you must have understood that I am not a strong supporter of BJP and probably be wondering why am I writing this Blog about them. If you keep apart its pro Hindutva attitude, BJP is a much better party in structure and functioning than Congress. The congress party has been functioning like a family business for the Gandhi family. If you dig a little bit into the history of the congress party, you can find just one "non Gandhi family" member, PV Narasimha Rao, occupied the top position of the congress party for a meaningful time period. He was also the only "non Gandhi family" person from congress to complete 5yrs as a PM till Dr. Manmohan Singh. BJP has also played an important role in questioning the monopoly of Congress. Their continuous victories in96 and 99 polls has forced the congress to be more vigil on policy making and functional efficiency of the government. Congress was always infamous for its corrupted leaders and I see they did put some sincere effort to avoid corrupted people in high positions ( people like shibu soren are political exceptions) after they found a strong opponent in BJP.

To conclude it is the existence of BJP that caused bringing India close to a bipartisan democracy. And there is no other national party exist today to replace BJP. If BJPs importance is gonna be diminished in the future it means Indian national political system will be more shattered by the presence of unhealthy coalitions of local parties and an increasing monopoly of congress party. That is not a heartening news for the future India.


  1. Well...I am not good folower of politics but I guess I can give you a fact or two

    You forgot Sitaram kesri....or 2-3 yrs is not a meaningful time!!
    Do you know that right now congress is the only party which is having elections to select its post holders!!
    And BJP failed 2004 elections because of anti-cumbency votes, I mean whatever people expected, There was no change seen...curreption was thr, terror was on its peak.
    And I suggest you wait till next elections. May be then we will talk about How BJP fought back!! Always remember one fact "There is no such thing as Always or Never in politics"

  2. Hi Eagle.. your points are very correct, And regarding elections to choose the post holders is started by the young Gandhi. I think he is of true breed of his father,Rajeeve Gandhi. But this happens only in the youth congress and not in the main congress party to my knowledge. May be you canverify your claim and let me know.

  3. My knowledge of politics is a bit hazy, but BJP's future indeed looks bleak. The current leader isn't much far from retirement, and the next one in line, although often praised by the industrialists for his accomplishments in the economic growth in his state, is widely considered an extremist. But then, politics is all about uncertainty. Let's see if they "fight back" as Eagle said.

    As for Rahul Gandhi, I don't find him as appealing as his Dad who was hailed as a visionary (well... the way the Sri Lankan issue was handled, notwithstanding). His enthusiasm may have helped the party a lot, but when he talks off the cuff, he almost never sounds like a well-informed dude educated abroad. I'd love to see him one day in the clutches of some interviewer like Karan Thapar.

  4. nice work ma dear brother.....
    all d best...

  5. Yup...its only in youth congress, and that too in Punjab only. It failed in Gujrat..but atleast its a start...

  6. nice work dude... a very good insight tinto current situations of indian politics

  7. well a good view into the BJP ... well i don't feel that criticising the dynastic politics in congress is right ... as you may see .. The First Prime minister Pt. Jawahar lal Nehru ... led the first congress led govt .at centre ... He was followed by Indira Gandhi ... later Rajiv Gandhi came into the shoes ... and actually even before Nehru... we had Motilal Nehru , one of the most prominent freedom fighter. So, today Gandhi name is more than a family politics; It stands for a brand which resembles sacrifices, leadership , progress. Which other PM if you recall can give you the same feeling as them ... We indians do have a appeal for national leaders and brands . People keep on buying NOKIA mobile , even if their may be better products, because they know that it will fullfill their minimum requirements , or be it TATA or BIRLA which stands for that brand. And these also stands for the protection of the brand value. So why not GANDHIS, is any member of the family out there to make money, not at all. They have all the power in the world, Rahul doesn't have a car , but he never steps down from an AC Car . So this family is unlikely to be touched by political temptations of money,corruption or power. For its clear to everyone , that even if Sonia Gandhi is not the PM she is still the most powerfull person. So the Brand Gandhi is much more than the ppl think of. Its a brand which the family has strive to maintain its reputation, its for this reason Sonia Gandhi decided to jump in politics and we see congress reviving. Just buying politicians statement that Congress is Dynastic politics for their benefit, is a bluff imposed by these politican on the comman man, trying to manipulate for their purpose..

  8. Anonymous dude,

    hope you ain't Sudheesh himeself in disguise. ;)

    Quite obviosuly, there's more to the Gandhis than meets the eye. It's said that after Independence, Gandhiji wanted Congress to be dissolved and elections held. But Nehru, who was not the first choice for PM, opposed him. And his nomination and the unanimous selection as PM was not exactly 'righteous', they say. Besides, the "brand" of Gandhi is not something that they deserve, for it was the result of Gandhiji's adoption of Feroze Khan as Feroze Gandhi so that he could marry Priyadarshini Nehru.

    I wonder if all those credentials the current members of the Gandhi family claim to have in their CV's are actually true. Dr.Subramanyan Swamy had some pretty convincing arguments in this regard. He'd explained a case in which the verdict of the court was in favor, wherein he had questioned, and proved false, Sonia Gandhi's claim as an alumnus of Cambridge. Eventually, she had to take it off her CV. There are similar arguments against Rahul Gandhi, too. The videos are in youtube, a search should fetch them for you. (I'm not a supporter of Dr. Swamy's party, or the Congress, or the BJP). They don't have to be as qualified as Dr. Tharoor or our current PM. But why the heck would they lie?

    What Congress has been doing is dynasty politics in the most conspicuous of forms. Only an avid supporter of the party would assert otherwise, I think.

    @ Sudheesh

    you shud thank me for the activity in your blog. :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Sudheesh, I have replied to your blog entry. Could not fit in the reply here! Please read: The other perspective: Why did Congress win the Indian Elections 2009?

  12. Congress & BJP r both gr8 instituions that syphon public money into thier leader's hands and pro-actively promote poverty & regression by a strategic design that enables seamless, integrated, flexible deployment of corrpution, hero-workship & sycophancy !!!!!! :)
    Nehru-Gandhi's & their sacrifice to the nation....!!!:)))))) LOL!

    Well, Nehru was a very big day dreamer...
    his one-sided love for China (Hindi-Chini bhai bhai !!!!!) amused China so much that they attacked India & took few thousand acres of land....

    His greatest contribution so far though is his stupid confidence in UN & taking Kashmir issue to UN inspite of Sardar Patel's advice not to do so; The result - India still spends billions of rupees every year on Kashmir problem !!!

    Rajiv - Good charisma...din't contribute anything concrete except for the Panchayath raj policy(even that is a fancy dogma! nothing more..) & his hard labour(:)) in his bedroom has created one of greatest defence scandals till date...!!!

    Sonia - Yeah, now she is a great lady of our time...But why the hell did Sonia keep her Italian citizenship for 13 years after her marriage to the first family!! Ok, forget it, lets talk about performance...

    World Bank has levied heavy fine on India due to its non-performance of commited projects linked to the loan provided by loan - why the hell din't Govt move its ass in full 5 yrs to complete the projects !!!!!!!

    The much hyped NRGES has not even reached 35 % of the target utilization levels - well as a matter of policy 'state sponsered job' is a silly concept which is impossible in today's economy - instead the focus shud be on creation of local eco systems & enhancement of agri value chain so that village economy improves & can create its own jobs !!! Instead of licking Sonia's ass, for a change why can't the congress leader's think of some good schemes & more importanly 'IMPLEMENT' it -
    Why did Dr Singh keep mum on Spectrum scandal - the biggest telecom scandal in India so far!!!!!!

    Indians by nature are 'imaginative, dogmatic' ass-holes who can put up exhaustive policies & deliver nothing more than pure SHIT.


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