A letter from a bleeding heart

My Dear Angel,
I have realized a few facts today. I know that I made you fall in love with me 1st and then I fell in love with you. I loved you sincerely thereafter and tried to find my true love in you but you failed me. I realize your love was true and pure but you did not have the courage or will to seek your true love in me. I don’t know what failed me there but I know that I have failed. If not, I am sure that nothing in this world could separate us.
I understand that you are no more the same girl in whom I searched my true love once. I understand that you have changed. I don’t know whether it is God’s play or Destiny’s call that I could not stop you from changing. I am deeply sorry that I failed to hold on to your heart. I am sorry that I took your heart and returned it broken, even for a moment.
Now I know that you are very busy to win over another man’s heart and you are trying to find your true love in him. I know love makes everyone blind and crazy and that is its beauty as well as its ugliness. When one is seeking one’s true love, he/she don’t see what to be seen and don’t hear what to be heard. I know this well because I had that moment once and I thank you for gifting me that moment.
I realized that you have changed at the same moment when you told me that you are happy about this new guy in your life; I could easily read that from your laughs and smiles. But I could not give up on you. Not because I can’t live without you but because I was afraid I will never be able to fall in love again. Falling in love is the most beautiful feeling I have ever experienced and I was not willing to take a chance to risk it. This thought gave me enormous strength and courage and provoked me to pursue you & fight for you. I still hold the same strength, courage and will to take on the entire world to win over you.
But I failed to realize that I have already lost the battle even before it began. I lost it because the one whom I am fighting for don’t want to be mine. I am left alone on the battle field with no one to fight for and nobody to fight with. I can wait there forever with all the powerful weapons I possess that can even win over God’s army. But now I realize that there won’t be any army there to fight with me. The one who has taken you away from me and locked behind the bars is none other than you & only you hold the key to unlock yourself. I am too weak to fight with you to win the key and I have no more faith left in me that one day you will hand over the key to me.
My journey to you has ended at your door steps. I waited there long but you didn’t open the door for me. I don’t know the reason and I am tired of knocking and begging you to take me in. I told you I am too tired and too cold. I begged you to take me into your warmth that I have felt through the key hole. But you did not answer my cries. You abandoned me at your door steps. And now you have left me with no other choice but to turn and walk back to my life. The road to you was dark and rough, but I had your love then to light my path and guide me to you. But now your love has abandoned me on that dark road.
My journey to back home is frightening me but I promise you I will not fall dead on the road. I don’t want to blacken the road to your heart with my blood. I want it to be as pure as the heart of a new born.
“My Angel”, I am leaving you here. I hope you will find your true love in your man. You will always be “My Angel”

With Love


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